Tanzania Trip 2012

Team SHARE traveled to Tanzania for the fifth time in summer 2012, and the trip was a huge success!

We visited Hekima Girls' Secondary School and saw how the girls are thriving. Thanks to your support, the school has a spacious furnished dining hall that seats 1,000 students! Remember, prior to this, the girls were eating their meals sitting on the ground outside, no matter what the weather. 

With your help, SHARE also built a beautiful library at Hekima School, filled with thousands of books and brand new e-readers. And thanks to the SHARE Scholars campaign, bright and motivated girls who could not otherwise afford to attend school are now getting a top quality education. Your support has truly changed their lives!

We were excited to revisit the SHARE programs at other primary and secondary schools in Tanzania. We were happy to see how the girls continue to enjoy using the libraries we’ve built with the funds and books you’ve generously donated over the past five years. They talked about how much it means to them to be able to attend SHARE’s all-girls’ after-school reading programs. They are truly proud to be “SHARE girls."

We visited local villages and farms, and met women whose choices are severely limited, due to poverty and a lack of education. They are forced to do backbreaking work in the fields every day just to support their families and put food on the table.

With an education, a girl can lift herself and her family out of poverty. She does not have to be limited to doing menial work at home and on the farm, and marrying early and having children at a very young age. She has more choices for her life, and more chances for a brighter future. With an education, all things are possible!