

Christopher McNamara organized a school supply drive for girls education in Tanzania through "SHARE in Africa"

Meet Mose - the first official SHARE Dog!


Three cheers to Christopher McNamara for organizing a SHARE school supply drive at Markel Corporation in Redbank, New Jersey! 


An anonymous donor left a laptop in the P.O Box of "SHARE in Africa" to support girls education!

In August 2011, we checked the SHARE post office box and received an amazing surprise...a LAPTOP from an anonymous donor!
Thank you, anonymous person from Summit, New Jersey!

Rae organized a fundraiser to donate to "SHARE in Africa" for girls education in Tanzania

“Happy Hour for a Cause” was a sale of handmade jewelry to support the SHARE Scholars program! Let's show some love for our ★ FUN-RAISE-HER, Rae!

"SHARE in Africa" recognized for work with girls education in Tanzania

In October 2011, SHARE was honored to be recognized by the Mo' Hair Foundation for our work with African girls! 

The BABE Rally is a unique fundraiser in which team members buy an old car for $500 or less, make it safe and legal, then drive it 1,500 miles from New York to New Orleans.

Women's Global Connection worked with "SHARE in Africa" to further girls education in Tanzania

Never a dull moment working with Women's Global Connection! We met with our friends from WCG in San Antonio, Texas in spring 2012.


US - Africa Children's Fellowship donated to "SHARE in Africa" materials for the girls school in Tanzania

An inspiring meeting with US - Africa Children's Fellowship, a nonprofit that has sent 19 containers of educational materials to Africa!

New York City

"SHARE in Africa" supporters at the U.N.

Holding up the SHARE Banner at the United Nations inside a conference room.
From left to right: Iman, Jess, Shannon, Adele, and Bilaal.
August 5, 2011.

Class donated $50 to "SHARE in Africa" for girls education in Tanzania

Thanks to the 5th grade class in Glenrock, New Jersey, for donating $50 to SHARE. The students voted to decide where their fundraising monies should be sent and they chose SHARE.

Maddie volunteered for "SHARE in Africa"

A big shout out to Maddie! Thanks for being helping a great teen volunteer and helping with our annual appeal.

Rotary club highlighted "SHARE in Africa" for its work with education in Tanzania

The Watchung Warren Rotary celebrated Women's History Month by highlighting SHARE and pledging $200 each year, for the next 5 years, to total $1000!

"SHARE in Africa" highlighted by Teen Vogue for empowering girls through education

Teen Vogue highlighted the work of SHARE in its "Giving Back" column!

Prateek helping Hekima Girls School headmistress

Prateek, SHARE's Teen Star Volunteer, teaches the Headmistress how to use the Kahn Academy videos he downloaded onto drives for her school in Africa!

Olivia helps raise money for girls education in Tanzania through "SHARE in Africa"

Meet Olivia, SHARE's Volunteer of the Week in January 2012.

Olivia, an 8th grader, raised $500 for SHARE by creating a candy jar guessing game. Thank you Olivia!

Michelle Obama

First Lady Michelle Obama congratulates Shannon McNamara on SHARE's success in promoting education in Africa.

C.R.A.F.T is fundraising for "SHARE in Africa" to help girls education in Tanzania

Students across America are "FUN-draising" for SHARE, including C.R.A.F.T., which was founded by Kanya Shah.